Sycamore Lane Elementary

Public Health Updated COVID-19 Posters

SLES Families,

Please find attached the most recently revised posters released by Public Health for COVID-19 Close Contacts. Please refer to these posters if you have questions about a situation in your household. As always, if you require further clarification, please contact 811.

Thank you for your attention and care in helping our students and families remain as healthy as possible during this time. Mask wearing, social distancing and hand sanitizing have played a key role in keeping us healthy. We continue to require masks when in school. Please remember to send your child with their 3 ply masks (an additional one in their backpack is always a great idea). Also, please remember their water bottles, lunch and snack, as well as a change of clothes in case of unforeseen situations. Being prepared for a full day of school is important as non-essential visitors are not yet able to be in schools, so items are not able to be dropped off. Your help with this has been immeasureable.

Thank you,

Ms. Graham